Sunday, May 3, 2015

Day 7 Last full day

Sunday- Last full day in Haiti....

We traveled this morning back to Grace Village and attended a truly inspiring faith filled worship service.   Our team was welcomed warmly by ladies of the village who came to shake our hands and give hugs to us as their way of welcome.  The joy and appreciation in their eyes as they did this was evident to  us all.  It was clear that not only were we welcome there but were very appreciated as well. 

 Many of the current Christian songs rang out over speakers from the band and people gathered.  As the children entered, select children found a member of our team and sat with us and wanted to be held or rocked.   We sang with them and they were with us as a family through out the service.   The excitement of individual attention and the way the kids help each other is amazing.  The smiles and sparkles in their eyes are something I will always remember.    The older ones help the younger ones and they all take care of each other.  They are family.  God's family.  Our family as the body of Christ.   Grace Village is definitely an amazing place for these children.  

After worship service we were able to spend a day at the Beach.  We traveled to Wahoo Bay beach Resort/Club.   The water was amazing.  We ordered fresh coconuts and drank the milk before having them cut open and the meat separated out for us.  Some ordered fresh crab and lobster on the beach.  It was delivered by boat straight to our chairs.  Many had the opportunity to go out in a wooden boat and go down the coast to snorkel.  The fun and relaxation for all was so nice.  It was a very nice way to see the country side.  The time on the road allowed us time to process all that has happened this week.

There were so many things to remember, to share and to hold dear from this week.  We have all been touched by being here.  The Lord breaks us in this process to see the world through His eyes.  He holds all of His children dear no matter where they live.  It is beautiful.  There is hope here.  We have witnessed it first hand.  The healing is a process that will take time and there is more to be done.  Healing Haiti continues to come along side, teach, care, and assist in the ways that they can. 

We all have gifts and talents special and unique.  There is a place here for all of them.  God wants us to work together as His Church.   Being the hands and feet of Christ is the very least we can do.  I believe that in doing so this week, all of us have come away changed.  I truly believe that in blessing Haiti,  we have gained the blessing...changed hearts...

We wrapped up our evening with a wonderful evening out at Kokoye Restaurant.  The music and outside atmosphere was relaxing and fun.  It was memorable and bonding for the whole team.  It will be hard to leave tomorrow.  The next teams arriving will be amazed....  There are no words to explain all that there is to see, do and love.  It will be hard though, that we are not that team...


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