Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Day 2: Water Truck Day

Today was our first water truck day and it was above and beyond what I had expected. We all rode in the tap tap to where they fill up the water trucks, and it was a very bumpy ride but that made it all the more fun and exciting.
We went with the water truck to City Soleil to distribute the water, and when we would start pulling up there were all these little children just running towards the truck with huge smiles on their faces. There was a long line of people lined up with their buckets that we would fill up with water and they would then carry them back to their homes. Also, on one of our water truck stops, we were able to take a walk down to the docks and see the boats, the kids playing in the ocean and there were even a few kids fishing. I was holding a little girl and she just loved to dance, she would dance in my arms and when I put her down she was having me give her a little twirl and then she would twirl me too.

All the kids would just run up to all of us and give us hugs and hold up their arms to get picked up, they loved being held, they loved playing games and using a bunch of us as human jungle gyms.
We also were able to go to a Haitian School to drop off some school supplies and get a little tour. Immediately when we got inside, kids would just hold your hand and lead you around and ask you your name. They were all so eager and beyond friendly towards all of us.
Another awesome thing we got to do was go to the Haiti Initiative, which is the soccer/school/feeding program in Cite Soleil. A few of us actually got to do some drills and play a soccer game with the boys, who are very, very good, there's a lot of talent and hard work out on that field.

Over all, it was a very packed day, very hot, and definitely easy to get burnt out, but our team is amazing, we're all troopers and it made it all the more easy to keep on going just seeing the giant smiles on all the kids faces, all the hope in their eyes, all the love they received and all the love they gave to us.

Honestly, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else right now and I wouldn't trade this experience for anything in the whole world.


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