Thursday, April 30, 2015

Day 4: Grace Village, Elder visits in Titanyen, Shalom Orphanage, & Mass Graves

What a busy and productive day. What did God want me to see today? He wanted me so see hope.  We went to Grace Village and saw so much hope for all the children who are getting educated. Grace Village started new homes where children live in a house within the village to learn what a family looks like, what are each persons roles in order to go out into adulthood knowing what to expect and to be successful outside the orphanage.

What did God want me to see during our elder visits. He wanted me to see humbling acts of serving people.  I watched young adults wash the dirty feet of elder people with such humility that it was if I were watching Jesus wash the disciple's feet. They were so appreciative of any gifts of food and water brought. They have toiled their whole lives but expect nothing. They show such faith that amazes me.

At Shalom orphanage, what did God want me to see?  He showed me that children react to love shown them. They are orphaned but trust you when they jump in your arms that they will receive love. They smile when you bring an art project that allows then to express themselves.  And they write I love you on these art projects.

At the Mass Graves, God wanted to show me that all people matter.  After the earthquake in 2010, so many Haitians lost there lives.  Approximately 300,000 or more. During the after effects of the earth quake, the need arose to have to bury many people quickly, so a mass grave was dug and now this site is being made into a memorial that is a sad reflection on the many people who lost their lives during this tragedy . It is very humbling to stand on the holy ground in this nation.

Then what did God what me to see when we started handing out water and Feed My Starving Children food "manna" packs to some very thirsty, hungry children who just ran out to see if there would be any food given out. How desperate they were. Some tried to hide what you had given them in order to try to get more. God wanted me to see this desperation in order to break my heart for what breaks His and to act.  Feed as many as you can with what you can and then to allow God to fill them with what they really need...Jesus Christ as their Savior.

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