Thursday, March 24, 2016

Day 4: Grace Village & Elder Care visits

Holy Thursday

Today the group got to visit Grace Village and the Elders who live in the surrounding community of Titanyen. Grace Village gave a sense of hope to us after we saw the sick and dying babies and the handicapped children yesterday. They made a school and provide education and food for the children to learn in order to set them up for a more successful future. There are family-styled houses and a transitional program for people 15 years older and up, because they are reaching the point where they can work to transition back into the community. There is also a clinic that provides health care for those living in the Grace Village community and Titanyen. There is also a beautiful church and a bakery that will soon be open for the people there. Visiting the elders was a humbling and incredible experience. We visited four elders: Telicia, Marie, Aloude, and Edmund. They are incredible, faith-filled people who worked very hard through their whole life and continue to do so. Marie is 106! We were able to bring them food, sing to them, pray for them, and wash their feet. Washing their feet was a humbling experience, because today is Holy Thursday, remembering the Last Supper. At the Last Supper, Jesus washed His disciples' feet and calls us to do the same. Today, we washed some of His disciples feet. As John 13:14 says,"If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet."


1 comment:

  1. I have been thinking about you guys every day this week. May your time in Haiti be fulfilling and impactful for you and everyone you serve.

    Please visit me when you return with stories. I miss playing soccer with the neighbor kids.

    Mr Matt Thibodeau
