Saturday, March 26, 2016

Day 5: General Hospital & LaPhere Orphanage

Today the group had various activities that we got to do, one of the amazing experiences that we got to encounter was General Hospital. I'm sure when you all think of hospitals you think of sanitary individual rooms for people who are sick, and a nice reception desk with security and a nice sanitized waiting room. Multiple nurses and doctors there to take care of your loved ones. That unfortunately was not the type of hospital our group went to. While at general hospital I (Camille Lilleberg) was astonished at the conditions of the hospital. When you walked in to the hospital there was not much of a waiting room, there was a group waiting to get in, in a small tight enclosed area, and in the area there was even a little bit of a hospital bed with a child in the bed in the so-called "waiting room". Walking into the hospital there unfortunately are not separate rooms for the patients they are all in the same room, in clunky, rusting, cribs and beds. One moment that I will carry with me forever is the moment when I saw a small two week old baby girl laying in her crib. She was not breathing well and there was no parent to be found. As I picked her up her eyes opened and she looked at me and instantly my heart was broken. All I could think of was my week old nephew back at home that was born into a nice hospital and had all the correct care and had his mommy and daddy by his side the whole time, but this poor little baby girl was left in her crib alone, and sick with no one to show her compassion and love. I also noticed her diaper was dirty and I had asked a nurse for a diaper and wipes to change the baby but they had nothing, thankfully our group had brought with diapers and I had to improvise for wipes. After I had changed her diaper and picked her back up I kissed her cheek and she just smiled. She had the biggest and brightest smile after I had given her just a little drop of love and compassion. Having to leave and put the baby back into the crib put tears in my eyes knowing that, she does not have the care she should be receiving and she is not getting the love she needs as a baby and the compassion. I will continue to pray for all the children and families that are in that general hospital that just need some extra love and compassion, and I will always remember that baby girl. Another site we were fortunate to go to was LaPhere Orphanage. Going to LaPhere Orphanage was something else. As soon as we arrived all the children just got the biggest smiles on their faces and ran up to all of us hugging us and loving on us. We had brought bubbles, candy, and nail polish for the kids and older kids, There was a wide range of ages. Toddlers to teenagers. They were all so happy to see us and they were not shy at all. One little girl I got to meet her name was Eva, and Eva would rub my cheek and whisper "bel" into my ear which in creole means beautiful. The children we had meet were also so giving to each other which was so phenomenal to see. One child had a starburst in his hand but one of the little girls came up to him and tapped his shoulder and whispered to him, then he had ripped in half his little starburst and shared with the little girl. He could have been greedy and said no and kept the small piece of candy for himself, but no he shared and that is something you do not see often. Something that I have learned on this trip and seen is all the love, community, and compassion the beautiful people of Haiti have for each other. Even if they are complete strangers they are willing to help and do what they can for others, I am so insanely blessed to have gotten the opportunity to go on this once in a life time trip, and to see all the beauty Haiti is and all the beauty the Haitian people are. Also a huge thank you to our amazing leaders Steve (Stove ;) ), and Julie. They really put their hearts and souls into this trip and really showed us around and helped us feel comfortable with everything we did, I am so beyond happy for the bond our group has created and I hope this bond stays forever.
At the end of the day, we ate pizza at Pizza Amore Clay Cafe at Apparent project. We got multiple pizzas which all tasted amazing and we all got beverages to go with our meal. We bonded with each other by playing the many games that were provided at the cafe. This included chess, pool, and Foosball. There was a very "intense" game of chess between Blake and Sam, which may or may not have become a bit heated. Delaney also won a game of pool by hitting a ball over another ball. This time was essential to us because it allowed us to wind down from this very emotional trip. It also allowed us to become closer to one other and we were able to become more comfortable in the situation. A man named Mario also came to visit the cafe while we were there. Mario was injured on his way back from the airport so they decided to raise money for him by making and selling beautifully simple bracelets. We were all happy to see that he was in good health and happy. I (Cailey Banken) along with all of my teammates are very thankful for everyone and everything that has helped us get here and throughout this journey, Like Camille said above, we are very thankful for our amazing leaders because they have given us the strength and motivation to overcome all that we have seen. We also received all of the letters last night that we either got from parents, friends, and loved ones. We were not aware that we were receiving these so they were a very nice surprise. They helped us feel connected to home in a more special way than a phone or computer could ever do. Thank you to all of your support and we wish everything is well back at home.

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