Thursday, April 4, 2013

Far from Nothing

Most of us began the day with about 200 Haitians packed into a small red and white striped tent in the drizzling rain. At 6 a.m. we drove through the quiet streets to the tent church where the service had already begun. The people sang and chanted and worshiped God in so many ways, all-together, but in a personal ways. Each one raising hands or kneeling to pray, all thanking God for His presence and his care -- worshiping him. As someone that might be described on the opposite end of the spectrum of "charasmatic" it was quite an adventure. Yet, I was certainly not uncomfortable, but able to appreciated the wonder of it, the passion of it, and the faithfulness I witnessed in His people.

The second part of our day was spent on a tour of Grace Village, what a wonderful place full of color and life. The kids were released for recess from school as we finished our tour. We were able to play for a short time but will be back in a few days to spend more time. There is progress being made on the medical center. The aquaponics are running well and the bread ovens are ready to be put to use. It is so much more than an orphanage, but a future hub of community life. The potential is spectacular. Left in Gods hands, it promises to be amazing.

Our afternoon was spent visiting the elders in Titanyen. What a fun group of people to meet and interact with. Pierre jumped up and down while laughing as we joked about dancing at his upcoming wedding. Izna glowed with joy as we delivered her a new mattress. We played with the local children and handed out candy. We sang and prayed blessings on those we visited.

As we left, it was said that "Titanyen" is translated as " less than nothing." This city that is home to hundreds of families is "far from nothing" in God's eyes. It was a pleasure to serve them today.

Posted by Darin

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