Tuesday, April 2, 2013

I thought I knew.....

Wondering to the unknown a group of 11 people from Healing Haiti on the morning of April 2, 2013 started a journey to the poorest city in the world - Cite Soleil or how we will called in English Sun City, which is a city extremely impoverished and densely populated commune located in the Port-au-Prince metropolitan area in Haiti, with an estimated 200,000 to 400,000 residents, the majority of whom live in extreme poverty. The area is generally regarded as one of the poorest and most dangerous areas of the Western Hemisphere and it is one of the biggest slums in the Northern Hemisphere. The area has virtually no sewers and has a poorly maintained open canal system that serves as its sewage system.

The mission: to deliver water to people in Cite Soleil for their basic survival needs. Easy right, I thought I knew!!!
The mission was not mine to decide, it was God who drove the team to 11 unexpected but marvelous learning and self-reflections. God does know!

1. TOUCH - the basis of love and relationships

2. NORMAL - what is normal? And for whom? Is my normal the norm? I just don't know normal anymore

3. FAMILY - God's family is everywhere, my family is everywhere, my brothers and sisters are also in Haiti

4. WHO - who allowed this to happen? How does this got to be so bad? How can we fix it? What can I do?

5. CONFLICTED - I just don't know how to deal with this? Is confusing and frustrating? God I just want to help and for this to make sense.

6. THANKFUL - I'm just thankful god for this opportunity. Thank you God!

7. LOVE - not water, not money, not toys...it was love what children's needed the most. You can't donate love, but you can give it and demonstrate it.

8. WATER TRUCK DAY AT CITE SOLEIL - it was the people, just the people. It is about the people of god

9. LIVING WATER - I swear that the water was alive. How it kissed and hugged the people at Cite Soleil, my eyes could not believe. It was Jesus in the living water and the people of Cite Soleil running after him.

10. HOPE - I know our actions are giving hope. Oh! God I have hope that things will get better.

11. PHOTO - I heard that word so many times today, from smiling faces of hungry of love kids, who were amused by looking at their loving eyes on a glass screen of a digital device.

I thought I knew but the learning was for me not from me. The help was for me not from me. I did not have choice. Hey you... Hey You.... Pick me UP... Pick meeee UP! Were the words that God used to show me life, to show me meaning to show me love. I pray for a better Haiti and for a better life for those in needs and I do know that God is listening.

"Although someone else could wash your physical body, only you can cleanse your own soul; you are responsible for polishing it."

Thank you Haitians and thank you God for this great team!
Posted by William Mujica

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