Tuesday, July 15, 2014

FBCS Acteens Haiti trip Day 2!

Today several of the team members went to Gertrude's Special Needs Orphanage.  We were able to play with the kids for several hours.  The children were completely content regardless of their health issues.  They were all extremely happy we came to visit.  They met us at the gate with smiling faces and shouts of joy.  God's love was clearly present in this place.  The joy was abundant and extremely encouraging.  It really put things in perspective for us as we witnessed these children with nothing who seemed to have everything.  - Catherine McConatha and Anna Tankersly

Today I had the honor of going the Home For the Sick and Dying. As I climbed into the Tap-tap I had several different expectations that were going through my head. But as soon as we drove up to our destination, boy I was wrong. There were several mothers standing outside of the doors with their babies waiting to get in. I walked into the home and the crying filled my ears. Desperate cries for attention and affection. I greeted the long-term missionaries and went my way into the room where the babies were. A large greeting smile on the outside but my heart was aching on the inside. I had nothing but deep compassion for these children. Right when I walked in the staff gave me a bowl of food and sent me to feed the babies. Of course I did what I was told with a nod. I went right ahead and started feeding a little boy. A bowl of porridge of some kind. When I lifted the food to his mouth I was afraid that he was going to swallow the whole spoon! I finished feeding him and wiped his face. I got up and began to walk away, the boy screamed and cried for me to come back. I turned and looked at him and saw the desperation in his eyes. I had to go back, I couldn't just leave him there. I kissed his forehead and continued my way to the other children. I proceeded to walk my way to the playground. The mothers were caressing the babies. And the older children 5 years and up were playing on the swing. I greeted every mother with a warm "bonjour" and I looked behind me only to realize that I had a shadow. A little girl, beautiful, heart melting smile, and beautiful brown eyes. She looked to be the age of 6. She smiled and caressed my long wavy hair. She grabbed my hair and placed it on her bald head. She closed her eyes and smiled. Right then she won my heart, even though I could not understand what she was saying, she grabbed my hand and gave me a tour of the premises. She taught me how to count in Creole while I taught her to count in English. She also introduced me to other mothers. It felt so short, my time there. But there is absolutely nowhere else I would rather be at that moment in time. - Grace Swearingen

After lunch the entire team made the 45 minute drive to Grace Village, which is Healing Haiti's orphanage. The reality of Haitian life surrounded us on the way, and when we arrived, Grace Village felt like an oasis. The joy inside the gates was felt immediately, and there were boys greeting us as soon as we stepped off the tap-tap. This was not a service visit - we were there to tour the orphanage and learn about their ministry to the children who live there and the residents of the city of Titanyen. First, we learned about the bread ovens that are being installed to allow area women to make quality bread to sell to provide for their family - they are like pizza ovens! Then we toured the school, which offers free education to the orphans who live there and for a small fee to some of the area children (about 380 total). They also have an aquaponics facility that provides tilapia for the orphanage and supplements vegetables for the kitchen. Lastly we got to see the medical clinic, which provides free medical and dental care to the orphans, students, elder care, and affordable care for members of the community. An office visit is $1!

The girls and boys at Grace were different from those we loved on earlier today. They had such confidence and joy, excited to show off their home and school - I think they could have given the tour! Memorable moments? One of the boys pulled his tooth out while we were there and wanted to show everyone - no different from our own kids! Also, I got to see a moringa tree for the first time - it's a tree with an abundance of nutritional benefits that is being used in malnourished countries to supplement their diets (if you are not familiar with this awesome tree you should Google it!  <Chris contributed the spelling check on this>
Grace Village radiates with the hope and peace that only God can bring. - Dana Theilacker



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