Friday, July 18, 2014

FBCS Acteens Healing Haiti Day 5

FBCS Acteens Healing Haiti Day 5!!
 Friday, July 18, 2014.  On this day I walked with the members of our Acteen Haiti Mission team to the homes of several elderly Haitian individuals. We delivered a hot Haitian meal purchased at the market and a gift  bag with healthy snacks. In addition we left the ladies with a stuffed animal and the men with a new cap. I would like to see the mental image, you as readers of this blog, have of the sentences above. The word home, for most people I know, congers up a scene of one's comfortable, cozy house or apartment with furniture, appliances, several rooms, and much more. Perhaps a grassy yard with a walkway to the front door. As I walked through winding, rocky rubble pathways to the one room dwellings, some made of wood-frames and tarp - some of concrete block - I was once again reminded of the difference between the poor in the USA and the poor here in Haiti. At most I would call these homes a shelter, never-the-less, these were their homes. We were there to not just leave food, but to touch each person to meet a physical and spiritual need. What a special moment as I was able to kneel beside Anna Katherine as we washed Marie's feet and apply lotion to her feet and legs and then to sing with her and pray for her. This was the scene as went from home to home-taking turns washing feet and praying. Each of the elderly people expressed joy and thankfulness as we ministered to them.  During our visits  there were children who would appear and we offered hugs, lotion, and some love to them by polishing there fingernails or playing simple games.  
We journeyed on to Isaiah's Orphanage where 16 sweet children introduced themselves to us and told us their ages- and we in turn did the same..however, I believe there was some "fudging" on some ages coming from certain. members of our team! Our Acteens did a wonderful job singing " I've Got the Joy" by Go Fish...then including the kids in an encore of it. There was a puppet skit about Noah's Ark and once again the kids were back on stage with a puppet in their hands. This was followed by a group of stations we call " Circus for Christ" including a God's Story cube to explain the plan of salvation on a child's level; a Salvation Doll & bracelet station, face painting, balloon animals, marble art. The children seemed to enjoy the time spent with them and we pray that the message of Christ permeates their lives.
But boy, did we get hot at that time of the day. Thankful for the men from our team who went to the market to find us some nice cold drinks and another water bottle. Our last ministry stop of the day was Shalom's Orphanage where 12 precious children were being cared for. We shared gift bags and prayed over these children and the adults caring for them. It was a day packed full of ministry, prayer, and some personal sacrifice, as the heat was a bit tougher this day. We talked about the sacrifice Jesus made, and I spoke the question outloud- " I wonder if this was the same climate and heat that Jesus was in when He endured the walk to Calvary carrying that cross?"
Our last stop of the day, before returning to the guest house, was at Pizza Amore, where we rested, shared fellowship, and ate pizza. A pleasant breeze kept us comfortable and the mango tree that the patio was built around, kept me ducking for cover while it dropped several mangoes on the tin roof. 
I am so blessed to watch our Magnificent Seven Acteens take initiative and not be afraid to step out of their comfort zone to be the hands and feet of Jesus.  God is teaching us so many lessons as we try our best to serve others and  DO HIS WORD in Haiti. Blessings from Haiti !  ~Blogged by Laurie Vines  



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