Sunday, July 20, 2014

FBCS Acteens Healing Haiti Day 6

I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.
                                                   Matthew 25:35

As usual this morning as it has all week, this verse came to  my mind.  We loaded up the "tap tap" headed for The Home for the Sick and Dying adults, which is a faith based ministry. It was about a 45 minute drive through the city streets of Port-au-Prince. This always promises to be an adventure in its self and it didn't disappoint this time.  We arrived to the simple blue building of that was really a blessing. I felt a sense of peace and comfort when we walked in.  There were patients in rooms on cots as well as wondering around the building.   We left the guys in our team downstairs with the male patients and we journeyed up the stairs to the female ward.  A staff member  told us what we needed to do, and pointed us toward a room full of young girls who were there and had health issues.  We immediately started loving on little girls and started pampering them.  We painted nails and did a little foot/hand massage too. The little girls seemed to enjoy it.  Many of our team got their nails done too.  The little girls loved painting our nails as well.  Most of the girls looked fairly healthy. Laurie had on that looked about 9 on her lap and she really looked ill.  He stomach was hurting her and looked to be distended. You could tell by her eyes that she didn't feel good. Laurie gently rocked her in her lap and she dozed off to sleep. While we had "spa day" with the girls, Emmanuel, our translator, played the acustic guitar and we sang some songs of encouragement. Emmanuel is a very talented musician and could play anything we wanted to sing.  Some of the girls even sang with us.  We got all the girls "dolled up" and it was time for them to have lunch so we said our goodbyes and headed down stairs.  The guys had been seeing to the male patients downstairs, and after some lotion on the arms and legs of some patients sitting in the hallway, we made our way back to the tap tap.  It was a wonderful experience.  The patients appreciated us coming I think, and it was wonderful to make them feel better just by something as simple as a foot massage or having their nails done. 

After returning to the cottege for a change of clothing  and a  snack we take off for Juno's orphanage.  We arrive and the children are outside.  We got out of the tap tap and there were children waiting to take our hands. We give lots of hugs. 
This was the sweetest bunch of children. The Acteens did their "Joy in my Heart" dance and the kids loved it when they invited them to join in for a second round of the song. The Acteen did a great job with their puppets in the Noah's Arc skit.  Next Laurie shared the salvation story with them.  They all listened attentively until she was finished.  
Our fun stations were next.  We did marble art, ballon figures, and paper bag puppets, as well as a little soccer with the older kids.  They had a ball; the joy on their faces was priceless.  The last thing we did was an edible artwork. We gave them a blue napkin, a graham cracker, some pretzel sticks, animal crackers, and fruit loops.  They made great looking Noah's Arc pictures with the goodies we gave them, and had a delish snack after they finished.  We had a wonderful time with the children at Juno's.  They were all so courteous and well mannered.  We all would have liked to have stayed a little longer, but it was time to head back to the guest house. We all left in great spirits after getting lots of love from the sweet children of God.

It has been a busy, tiring, life changing, amazing week.  One I will remember for the rest of my life.  My perspective has changed on some many things.  I don't think I can ever forget the faces I have seen in Haiti this week, I hope I never do.  I want to remember them and pray for them, knowing that nothing is too hard for my God.  Who knows, one of these fine, young men that are being raised in the Godly home of Grace Village, Isaiah's, Shalom's, or Juno's orphanage, just might be the leader in training for Haiti in the future.  If so, I will thank God for allowing me to share in a very small part of their journey. ~ Penne Swearingen




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